RFV of sCOFFEE will be continuously increase caused by following factors:

Maximized Voting yields

80% of voting yields will all be converted to ETH and $COFFEE , RFV will be calculated in the formula : RFV = ( Total value of ETH + Total value of $COFFEE in RFVManager contract ) / totalSupply of sCOFFEE

Deflation of sCOFFEE

  1. redeem of sCOFFEE , every sCOFFEE redeemed will be burnt forever

  2. swap fees burnt 0.5%

  3. unstake fees burnt 0.5%

  4. although RFV might be diluted shortly by new mint of sCOFFEE from $COFFEE and veCOFFEE , but first of all , there is a dynamic fees to prevent new arbitrage mints to dilute the RFV , secondly , the intrinsiv value of each sCOFFEE will be promoted with new deposits of vote power which in turn will raise the RFV of each sCOFFEE in the long run

Last updated