xCOFFEE is a novel innovative token from Coffee Dex. When you provide liquidity on CoffeeDex, the rewards you receive consist of 70% $COFFEE and an additional 30% in xCOFFEE. The xCOFFEE serves three primary purposes:

  1. xCOFFEE can be vested over a period of 30 days, allowing it to linearly unlock and become entirely $COFFEE.

  1. xCOFFEE can be directly converted into veCOFFEE, which is locked for up to 2 years. You can use veCOFFEE to vote on pairs, enabling you to earn all the transaction fee income and bribe income from that pair.

  1. xCOFFEE can also be immediately converted to $COFFEE, but this conversion will only yield 70% of the original $COFFEE value.

xCOFFEE mechanism is inspired by Ramses's xoRAM , kudos to their work!

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